
Monday, November 22, 2010

Messy Spirituality

Messy Spirituality: God's Annoying Love for Imperfect People

Written By: Mike Yaconelli

Read By: Fred Stella

Background:  Mike Yaconelli  was a lay minister and founder of Youth Specialties. A Christian leadership organization that focus's on developing people specifically for ministry with young people. Mike tragically passed away in 2003 of an auto accident after suffering a stroke while driving. This was my first introduction to Mike and I have to say I think I would have really liked him had I known him. His brand of "K-mart Seminary" is refreshing in it's simplicity. He doesn't feel the need like allot of Churches and Church leaders to constantly have everything look perfect.

The Review:
Messy Spirituality, is truly what Mike practiced. He was not perfect, and he knew it. He made many mistakes, big ones too. He was divorced, which for many would be Church Leaders can be the end of your Ministry Career. But in spite of all of his short comings in life , he was constantly reminded that God loved him. Just a few days before his death, he was speaking at a conference and said that his first words to God if he had died right then would be "What a Ride, What a Ride".

Mike speaks to what many in the Christian culture would call "Legalism" or "Holiness" or just plain "Perfectionism" that has pushed many people away from the Church. It has always struck me as odd how an institution that should be loving and accepting of all people can so blindly do the exact opposite of what Jesus taught. This is a hot button issue if you're involved in the Church leadership world. And it's never just as easy as doing what Jesus says, because Jesus doesn't always speak in formula's or absolutes. He speaks in stories and gives real examples. Like another favorite author of mine Donald Miller says, "if you read through the Gospels, it's almost as though Jesus is doing everything He can to never do the same thing twice, because if He did we wouldn't trust Him , we'd trust the Formula". I think that's what we in the Church in America have become addicted too. Practicing the formula of Religion. Instead of living like Christ.  Top that off with todays 21st century media coverage, and now everyone can see how living life according to Formula doesn't work.

Another problem I think this has created in the Church in America is the "Can't someone else do it?" mindset. There's this group of Christian teachers out there in what has been labeled the "Emergent Church Movement" (which may be on it's way out), and the one thing they most all have in common is calling the Christains that attend their Churches to get out and DO SOMETHING about Extreme Poverty, Justice, Slavery, Sex Trafficking, the list could go on forever. And many of these Churches, are literally changing the world in Jesus name.

Then there's the critics, who latch onto one or two taken out of context statements by (insert name of popular preacher here) and then claim they're of the Devil and Heretics and should be burned at the stake. Usually their solution for all the issues that plague the world today is Pray about it, and God will help them. Now this may be true, God can help, but I think more often then not. When we're praying for God to fix something, He's right there asking us , "ok what are YOU going to do about it?" . We are supposed to be the "Hands and Feet of Christ" after all.

This has become a Messy blog entry, and it's fitting I think. Because it just shows that being a Christ Follower in today's world is not easy, it's not clean, and anyone who says otherwise is lying to you.

Bottom line, I think more us of should be like Mike Yaconelli. He's a great guy, that is truly missed.

Rating 5 out of 5

Read it. Or listen to it, Fred is a good reader.


Tuesday, November 9, 2010



Written By: Robert J. Sawyer

Read By: Mark Deakins

Background: Flashforward is the 1999 novel that the 2009 TV Series of the same name, was based on. In part the TV series is similar only by the inclusion of the main character from the book. In the TV series Lloyd Simcoe is really a secondary character compared to the main character as he is portrayed in the novel. On the whole, the novel is really completely different from the TV Series. If someone watched the TV series and was hoping the book would fill in the blanks left by the TV shows cancellation. You will be sorely disappointed.

The Review: I think Science Fiction was meant for the Audio Book format. It really works well when all your mind has to do is process the story, and the imagination of the author. The book takes place in the year 2009, and instead of Flashing Forward only a few months as the TV show did, the books Flashforward goes 21 years into the future. And there's no Conspiratorial subplot in the book either.
Probably one of the most interesting side parts of the book, is all the News of the day interludes. Where the author takes the time to explain how the world has changed in 21 years. Things like, sometime in 2027 Bill Gates will lose his entire fortune, and by 2030 Microsoft will be bankrupt. Some of his predictions of what the future will be like are very interesting. The cause of the Flashforward is attributed to experiments conducted at CERN's Large Hadron Collider. The giant Atom smasher built on the border of France and Switzerland. In the book they were colliding lead particles together, and interestingly enough, the LHC just announced last week that they are now starting to do this very same process! Kinda scary. 

The book is read by Mark Deakins, this is my first book I've heard him read, and I have to say that I really enjoyed him reading this. He kept the pace good, kept me interested in the story even through some of the deep science parts. I was able to listen to this book while jogging, driving to work and even found myself listening at work. I will be looking for other books that he's read for sure.

Overall I enjoyed Flashforward the book, and the TV Series was ok. I just wish that it would have gotten picked up by another network after ABC let it die. As long as you can separate the Book from the TV series I think you will enjoy Flashforward.
So , What did you see ?.............

Rating 4.5 out of 5


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Star Wars: Rouge Planet

Star Wars: Rouge Planet

Written by: Greg Bear

Read by: Michael Cumpsty

Background: I did read The Phantom Menace, but I didn't bother reviewing it here. It was largely the same as the film, and even the Unabridged Audio book could not save it from itself. It was still a terrible storyline.

The Review:
Rouge Planet is the follow up to The Phantom Menace. Yet again, I found myself wishing this movie had been made. It seems like all the side story novels are just 10 times better than the stories Lucas ended up giving us. In Rouge Planet Obi-Wan and his 12 year old Padawan, Anakin Skywalker are sent on a mission to a distant planet to find a missing Jedi. The world they visit is called Zonama Sekot, and they produce the fastest Starships in the Galaxy. The odd thing is though , everything that is made on Sekot is grown from living beings called "Seed Partners" , and even the furniture you sit on is still alive. Nothing has to be killed on Sekot in order to produce something to use. It makes for a very symbiotic relationship between the inhabitants of the Planet and the Planet itself. It's quite unlike any other Star Wars world that is shown.

The audio version is abridged, and all Star Wars Abridged audio books have sound effects. Thankfully though whoever produced this book went easy on the effects, and just let the story tell itself. This is one abridgment however  that I wish I could have had the full text in audio. I think there was alot of details left out, so much that at the end, the narrator has to give you a summation of what all was left out.

The reader again, is Michael Cumpsty, and again he did a very good job reading, and portraying the different levels of characters in the book. I always find it funny how whoever is reading, always has to do their best Yoda impression when reading his lines.

I enjoyed this book alot. I just wish I would have enjoyed The Phantom Menace as much. If you like the Star Wars universe and exploring new places, you'll certainly like this.

Rating 4 out of 5
