
Tuesday, November 9, 2010



Written By: Robert J. Sawyer

Read By: Mark Deakins

Background: Flashforward is the 1999 novel that the 2009 TV Series of the same name, was based on. In part the TV series is similar only by the inclusion of the main character from the book. In the TV series Lloyd Simcoe is really a secondary character compared to the main character as he is portrayed in the novel. On the whole, the novel is really completely different from the TV Series. If someone watched the TV series and was hoping the book would fill in the blanks left by the TV shows cancellation. You will be sorely disappointed.

The Review: I think Science Fiction was meant for the Audio Book format. It really works well when all your mind has to do is process the story, and the imagination of the author. The book takes place in the year 2009, and instead of Flashing Forward only a few months as the TV show did, the books Flashforward goes 21 years into the future. And there's no Conspiratorial subplot in the book either.
Probably one of the most interesting side parts of the book, is all the News of the day interludes. Where the author takes the time to explain how the world has changed in 21 years. Things like, sometime in 2027 Bill Gates will lose his entire fortune, and by 2030 Microsoft will be bankrupt. Some of his predictions of what the future will be like are very interesting. The cause of the Flashforward is attributed to experiments conducted at CERN's Large Hadron Collider. The giant Atom smasher built on the border of France and Switzerland. In the book they were colliding lead particles together, and interestingly enough, the LHC just announced last week that they are now starting to do this very same process! Kinda scary. 

The book is read by Mark Deakins, this is my first book I've heard him read, and I have to say that I really enjoyed him reading this. He kept the pace good, kept me interested in the story even through some of the deep science parts. I was able to listen to this book while jogging, driving to work and even found myself listening at work. I will be looking for other books that he's read for sure.

Overall I enjoyed Flashforward the book, and the TV Series was ok. I just wish that it would have gotten picked up by another network after ABC let it die. As long as you can separate the Book from the TV series I think you will enjoy Flashforward.
So , What did you see ?.............

Rating 4.5 out of 5


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